Are you tired of feeling anxious about the lack of growth in your business? Are you sick of not knowing where to start in looking for your ideal client or even how to attract them? Do you wish that you could quit posting your every thought and moment to social media so that you are noticed? How do you create more time and get more productively done in your business? Should you hire a VA? In this podcast, you will find truth to who YOU really are as an entrepreneur. Welcome Home! I‘m glad you‘re here! Hey Friend, I‘m Sabrina Knapp , Business advisor, Strategist and Marketing Freelancer . As a 19-year business owner, I’ve learned what it truly takes to grow and audience and a network that WANTS to buy from you. But, its takes time, effort and a rock-solid strategy! Its not easy - and I spent years spinning my wheels before I stopped and listened to sound advice. . So, I get it. You want freedom. You want your life back. You need help and someone to take a little of the stress and demand off of you and your business. Need a website, or social media help, how about a new marketing strategy? If you are ready to finally feel success in life and business, you‘ll find the help here. I‘ve got you sister! If its time to quit the guessing game of who your looking for and how you can help them, then I‘m here to help you find that clarity and finally learn to attract them to you! Get ready for an exciting break through of those mental roadblocks and unlock all of God‘s promises to you in business AND in life. I‘m so excited to meet you. I truly want you to feel like we are doing life together, because sister, I get it. I see you. And, I can‘t wait to watch your business grow! *I‘d love to meet you and hear your story. We already have so much in common and I know that what I‘ve been through can truly help YOU change the motions of your business. Lets do virtual coffee really soon! www.calendly.com/sknapp06/30min *Would you love to be part of a community of like-minded women who struggle with the same struggles that you do? Would you like the chance to brainstorm with them, uplift them when they are down and have them celebrate you when you WIN?? Then let‘s do ALL of this together. There is a group of women waiting on you to join us, in my FB community. You are exactly who we have been looking for! www.facebook.com/groups/letsrediscoveryourbusiness Want to chat? How about a question? Just want to sort out a few things in your business and want to talk to someone who isn‘t going to charge you an ”arm and a leg”? Awesome. Let‘s do it. Email me at sabrina@smkmarketingco.com and lets set up a time to get together! I can‘t wait to visit about what‘s up with you! As always, I want to celebrate you and all of your success. I want you to learn about me, and I‘d love to get to know you. Friend me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/sabrina.r.knapp Let‘s do this, friend!

Monday Aug 01, 2022
Monday Aug 01, 2022
We all like to feel organized right, with our time and home and lives.
My business is one area that can get away from me if I'm not on top of information and documents and correspondence and all of the things thrown at me!
Today, I talk about 6 very specific tools that I use daily to help me keep on top of all of my to-do lists. This goes for me AND my clients!!
Some of these tools, you might have heard of...some of them, maybe not - but either way, I hope they help you understand the processes behind why you use them or what they are used for! And, I hope you take something away from this episode that helps YOU get more organized or better your own time management!
I will see you inside...
Hey Friend, I’m so glad you stopped by here today! I hope you were given a few tidbits of help and ideas for your business and its growth! I’m rooting for YOU!
I’d love to get to know you and your story – let’s visit about some ideas I have to help you scale your business and organize your time so that you can truly live your best, most free life! There are all sorts of ways to get ahold of me and connect.
Are you looking for some marketing and lead generation help in your business? Do you feel like all of your time is spent doing things and never getting ahead? Do you feel like you need some extra hands or someone who knows about strategy and the tech side of promotion? Let’s talk! www.sabrinamknapp.com
I’d LOVE to have you join my community of business owners. We talk about marketing, lead generation, time management and new techniques. I can’t wait to see you there. www.facebook.com/groups/letsrediscoveryourbusiness
Have you been wondering about building your own VA/freelance business and want to know everything it takes to use your experience to build a business from home and create your own time and freedom! Join now for 10 weeks of 1:1 coaching and education. www.sabrinamknapp.com/automaticincome
I’m excited to learn about your business, help you brainstorm ways to grow and talk about some marketing options that you have for your own lead generation. Let’s jump on a free call to talk about it all. www.calendly.com/sknapp06/30min
Are you interested in starting your own Freelance business? Have you wondered how you can work from home and build a business that doesn’t involve a team or leadership or selling? Then building your VA business is PERFECT! Here is our community of Freelancers working together to build business - https://www.facebook.com/groups/669429027693974
Email me at: sabrina@smkmarketingco.com
Let’s be Facebook friends: www.facebook.com/sabrina.r.knapp
You’re on your way to building an amazing business, friend – and I can’t wait to help you every step of the way. I appreciate you stopping by the podcast each week!
Until next time

Monday Jul 25, 2022
Monday Jul 25, 2022
How do you sell - without feeling salesy?
How do you help your potential clients know that you truly care about their problems?
How do you connect with your audience so that they WANT to reach out to you?
These are questions that I hear from YOU, all of the time. We struggle to ride that fine line of helping our audience and knowing their problems AND helping them see that we have a product or service that can solve their problem. We don't want to be yucky or salesy and turn them off.
Today, I talk about 4 actionable steps that you can take in your business today to help you dig deep into the raw problems that your potential clients deal with. We will talk about how to step back into their mindsets - so that you can "sell" without selling - you'll make them WANT what you have.
This is a good one and packed full of content you can use today.
~I'll see you inside
Hey Friend, I’m so glad you stopped by here today! I hope you were given a few tidbits of help and ideas for your business and its growth! I’m rooting for YOU!
I’d love to get to know you and your story – let’s visit about some ideas I have to help you scale your business and organize your time so that you can truly live your best, most free life! There are all sorts of ways to get ahold of me and connect.
Are you looking for some marketing and lead generation help in your business? Do you feel like all of your time is spent doing things and never getting ahead? Do you feel like you need some extra hands or someone who knows about strategy and the tech side of promotion? Let’s talk! www.sabrinamknapp.com
I’d LOVE to have you join my community of business owners. We talk about marketing, lead generation, time management and new techniques. I can’t wait to see you there. www.facebook.com/groups/letsrediscoveryourbusiness
Have you been wondering about building your own VA/freelance business and want to know everything it takes to use your experience to build a business from home and create your own time and freedom! Join now for 10 weeks of 1:1 coaching and education. www.sabrinamknapp.com/automaticincome
I’m excited to learn about your business, help you brainstorm ways to grow and talk about some marketing options that you have for your own lead generation. Let’s jump on a free call to talk about it all. www.calendly.com/sknapp06/30min
Are you interested in starting your own Freelance business? Have you wondered how you can work from home and build a business that doesn’t involve a team or leadership or selling? Then building your VA business is PERFECT! Here is our community of Freelancers working together to build business - https://www.facebook.com/groups/669429027693974
Email me at: sabrina@smkmarketingco.com
Let’s be Facebook friends: www.facebook.com/sabrina.r.knapp
You’re on your way to building an amazing business, friend – and I can’t wait to help you every step of the way. I appreciate you stopping by the podcast each week!
Until next time

Monday Jul 18, 2022
Monday Jul 18, 2022
Good Morning Friend!
This week, we are going to dive head first into what it truly means to maximize your income with your network marketing business.
I hear from some of you all of the time and your #1 issue is you just aren't making any money from it yet. Today, I'm going to help you think outside of the box, create streams of income that work for you AND help you continue to build and sell from your business platform! You HAVE to come with an open mind and a willingness to do what it takes!!
I've created a link for you to grab a FREE short call after this episode, so that you and I can visit about options for your multiple streams based on things you're already doing. No pressure. No sales from me. Just actionable ideas and techniques. Let's do this! www.calendly.com/sknapp06/multiplestreams
I know that if you're ready to create time and financial freedom, that you've already been thinking a lot about how to add streams of income to your home. While we are going to talk about a lot of different ways over the upcoming weeks - if you're already in a Network marketing company or MLM this is really going to excite you. I can't wait for you to hear this today!
I will see you inside...
Hey Friend, I’m so glad you stopped by here today! I hope you were given a few tidbits of help and ideas for your business and its growth! I’m rooting for YOU!
I’d love to get to know you and your story – let’s visit about some ideas I have to help you scale your business and organize your time so that you can truly live your best, most free life! There are all sorts of ways to get ahold of me and connect.
Are you looking for some marketing and lead generation help in your business? Do you feel like all of your time is spent doing things and never getting ahead? Do you feel like you need some extra hands or someone who knows about strategy and the tech side of promotion? Let’s talk! www.sabrinamknapp.com
I’d LOVE to have you join my community of business owners. We talk about marketing, lead generation, time management and new techniques. I can’t wait to see you there. www.facebook.com/groups/letsrediscoveryourbusiness
Have you been wondering about building your own VA/freelance business and want to know everything it takes to use your experience to build a business from home and create your own time and freedom! Join now for 10 weeks of 1:1 coaching and education. www.sabrinamknapp.com/automaticincome
I’m excited to learn about your business, help you brainstorm ways to grow and talk about some marketing options that you have for your own lead generation. Let’s jump on a free call to talk about it all. www.calendly.com/sknapp06/30min
Are you interested in starting your own Freelance business? Have you wondered how you can work from home and build a business that doesn’t involve a team or leadership or selling? Then building your VA business is PERFECT! Here is our community of Freelancers working together to build business - https://www.facebook.com/groups/669429027693974
Email me at: sabrina@smkmarketingco.com
Let’s be Facebook friends: www.facebook.com/sabrina.r.knapp
You’re on your way to building an amazing business, friend – and I can’t wait to help you every step of the way. I appreciate you stopping by the podcast each week!
Until next time

Monday Jul 11, 2022
Monday Jul 11, 2022
Oh. My. Gosh!
I'm so glad to be back here with y'all!
Its been SIX MONTHS since I've sat down in front of this mic, and I'm just so happy to be here chatting with you guys!
Today, I want to tell you about my break, and why I felt I had to take it.
I'm gunna tell you about some re-focusing I did, and why its been a GAME CHANGER in my business. We're gunna talk about how this podcast is going to be a bit different from my last one, and what my goals are for YOU with my talks.
And, I'm going to share 4 VERY important lessons that I learned while I was "quiet" and shatter some of the myths that you may have been led to believe over the last few years.
I'm thankful you've given me grace - and let me rediscover and "Mind My Business" :)
This is just the start of something very, very big for all of us friends, and I'm excited about what all we are going to learn together. Come join me today.
~I will see you inside.
Hey Friend, I’m so glad you stopped by here today! I hope you were given a few tidbits of help and ideas for your business and its growth! I’m rooting for YOU!
I’d love to get to know you and your story – let’s visit about some ideas I have to help you scale your business and organize your time so that you can truly live your best, most free life! There are all sorts of ways to get ahold of me and connect.
Are you looking for some marketing and lead generation help in your business? Do you feel like all of your time is spent doing things and never getting ahead? Do you feel like you need some extra hands or someone who knows about strategy and the tech side of promotion? Let’s talk! www.sabrinamknapp.com
I’d LOVE to have you join my community of business owners. We talk about marketing, lead generation, time management and new techniques. I can’t wait to see you there. www.facebook.com/groups/letsrediscoveryourbusiness
Have you been wondering about building your own VA/freelance business and want to know everything it takes to use your experience to build a business from home and create your own time and freedom! Join now for 10 weeks of 1:1 coaching and education. www.sabrinamknapp.com/automaticincome
I’m excited to learn about your business, help you brainstorm ways to grow and talk about some marketing options that you have for your own lead generation. Let’s jump on a free call to talk about it all. www.calendly.com/sknapp06/30min
Are you interested in starting your own Freelance business? Have you wondered how you can work from home and build a business that doesn’t involve a team or leadership or selling? Then building your VA business is PERFECT! Here is our community of Freelancers working together to build business - https://www.facebook.com/groups/669429027693974
Email me at: sabrina@smkmarketingco.com
Let’s be Facebook friends: www.facebook.com/sabrina.r.knapp
You’re on your way to building an amazing business, friend – and I can’t wait to help you every step of the way. I appreciate you stopping by the podcast each week!
Until next time

Monday Dec 13, 2021
Monday Dec 13, 2021
The New Year is right around the corner. Its sneaking up fast.
New Years, New Months, Monday's...none of them scare me. I welcome them. I LOVE building goals, do you?
Today, I particularly want to talk about a few things that I've learned over the years REALLY make a difference when building my business bigger from year to year.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Don't waste another year trying to get old, outdated techniques to work just because other's are using them. You don't know their ground game.
Let's work together and catapult your business into 2022 to grow, get more customers and build more income. I'm ready. Are you?
I'll see you inside....
I'd love to help your business grow. Let's talk about your ideas and options! Jump on a completely FREE call with me. Set up a time that works for you at www.calendly.com/sknapp06
Do you need some help in your business? Would a Virtual Assistant help you feel like you could breathe easier and take some of the day to day stresses off. I'm happy to help! Jump on a FREE call with me to discuss how I can help YOU in your business. www.sabrinamknapp.com
Are you looking to have a website built? Maybe you don't have time? You have SO many other things going on and the to-do list is piling up? Its okay! I can build it for you, so that you have a ready-to-go site, and a marketing plan set up! Don't stress and fuss about what you're going to do...let me take care of it for you, and then I will hand it back over! www.sabrinamknapp.com/websitedesign
Don't forget, you can be part of my amazing community of business owners, just like you. We are breaking down business, getting inside of our struggles and learning new techniques. Join us at www.facebook.com/groups/letsrediscoveryourbusiness
Let's be friends on Facebook! www.facebook.com/sabrina.r.knapp
So. Much. Information. about what's new on my website. www.sabrinamknapp.com
Pinterest Friends?? Let's do it! www.pinterest.com/smkcoaching
Instagram too...sure! www.instagram.com/sabrina.r.knapp
Yes, I am on LinkedIn. www.linkedin.com/in/sabrina-knapp
Email me anytime at sabrina@smkmarketingco.com

Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
We all want to grow in our businesses. We need help. We need to learn new techniques. We need to increase our income. We really need to hire help or call on the gifts of a marketing strategist, but we don't have the money. It takes investment of money to call on those people.
But, what if there was a way to promote yourself without hiring it ALL out and you could do part of the work. It cuts down on cost and it keeps you front and center in your business.
Today, I talk about 9 tips and tricks to marketing yourself and increasing your engagement with others. If you're struggling, this is going to be a great show for you.
I'll see you inside...
I'd love to help your business grow. Let's talk about your ideas and options! Jump on a completely FREE call with me. Set up a time that works for you at www.calendly.com/sknapp06
Do you need some help in your business? Would a Virtual Assistant help you feel like you could breathe easier and take some of the day to day stresses off. I'm happy to help! Jump on a FREE call with me to discuss how I can help YOU in your business. www.sabrinamknapp.com
Are you looking to have a website built? Maybe you don't have time? You have SO many other things going on and the to-do list is piling up? Its okay! I can build it for you, so that you have a ready-to-go site, and a marketing plan set up! Don't stress and fuss about what you're going to do...let me take care of it for you, and then I will hand it back over! www.sabrinamknapp.com/websitedesign
Don't forget, you can be part of my amazing community of business owners, just like you. We are breaking down business, getting inside of our struggles and learning new techniques. Join us at www.facebook.com/groups/letsrediscoveryourbusiness
Let's be friends on Facebook! www.facebook.com/sabrina.r.knapp
So. Much. Information. about what's new on my website. www.sabrinamknapp.com
Pinterest Friends?? Let's do it! www.pinterest.com/smkcoaching
Instagram too...sure! www.instagram.com/sabrina.r.knapp
Yes, I am on LinkedIn. www.linkedin.com/in/sabrina-knapp
Email me anytime at sabrina@smkmarketingco.com

Monday Dec 06, 2021
Monday Dec 06, 2021
We all want the same thing! Sales and Income!
However, we have to slow down. Growth and sales doesn't happen overnight. There is testing. There are new techniques. There are mistakes. There are re-tries. The list goes on and on. We have to go through the highs and lows. We have to go through that "messy middle" in order to really understand the top, when we get there.
Success requires a lot of things, but patience might be the most important. Are YOU willing to give what it takes completely, to your business. If you are, this episode is 100% needed for you.
I'll see you inside....
I'd love to help your business grow. Let's talk about your ideas and options! Jump on a completely FREE call with me. Set up a time that works for you at www.calendly.com/sknapp06
Do you need some help in your business? Would a Virtual Assistant help you feel like you could breathe easier and take some of the day to day stresses off. I'm happy to help! Jump on a FREE call with me to discuss how I can help YOU in your business. www.sabrinamknapp.com
Are you looking to have a website built? Maybe you don't have time? You have SO many other things going on and the to-do list is piling up? Its okay! I can build it for you, so that you have a ready-to-go site, and a marketing plan set up! Don't stress and fuss about what you're going to do...let me take care of it for you, and then I will hand it back over! www.sabrinamknapp.com/websitedesign
Don't forget, you can be part of my amazing community of business owners, just like you. We are breaking down business, getting inside of our struggles and learning new techniques. Join us at www.facebook.com/groups/letsrediscoveryourbusiness
Let's be friends on Facebook! www.facebook.com/sabrina.r.knapp
So. Much. Information. about what's new on my website. www.sabrinamknapp.com
Pinterest Friends?? Let's do it! www.pinterest.com/smkcoaching
Instagram too...sure! www.instagram.com/sabrina.r.knapp
Yes, I am on LinkedIn. www.linkedin.com/in/sabrina-knapp
Email me anytime at sabrina@smkmarketingco.com

Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Its never been a secret, I struggle on a major level with anxiety. Social and mental. I've had periods of my life where depression was a real and very scary thing. I'm a self proclaimed, class A introvert and...I'm okay with it. It part of who I am now.
People look at me and talk to me and doubt everything about me, that I'm about to discuss with you today. I'm a very high functioning business owner. I'm a super high achieving #bossmom. I'm a business manager, a business assistant, a coach, a leader...you'd never know, when working with me, that I fight these things on a real, (sometimes VERY scary) level every. single. day.
So, how do I navigate? How do I push through and build a life I love and am comfortable in? I'll tell you. Today, I go over 10 tips to pulling yourself through a rough spot. Those of us with these symptoms know that these things never completely go away, but I hope the info today helps to ease your mind, helps you try some new techniques and gives you hope that you aren't alone. I see you sis!!
I'll see you inside...
Do you need some help in your business? Would a Virtual Assistant help you feel like you could breathe easier and take some of the day to day stresses off. I'm happy to help! Jump on a FREE call with me to discuss how I can help YOU in your business. www.sabrinamknapp.com
Are you looking to have a website built? Maybe you don't have time? You have SO many other things going on and the to-do list is piling up? Its okay! I can build it for you, so that you have a ready-to-go site, and a marketing plan set up! Don't stress and fuss about what you're going to do...let me take care of it for you, and then I will hand it back over! www.sabrinamknapp.com/websitedesign
Don't forget, you can be part of my amazing community of business owners, just like you. We are breaking down business, getting inside of our struggles and learning new techniques. Join us at www.facebook.com/groups/letsrediscoveryourbusiness
Let's be friends on Facebook! www.facebook.com/sabrina.r.knapp
So. Much. Information. about what's new on my website. www.sabrinamknapp.com
Pinterest Friends?? Let's do it! www.pinterest.com/smkcoaching
Instagram too...sure! www.instagram.com/sabrina.r.knapp
Yes, I am on LinkedIn. www.linkedin.com/in/sabrina-knapp
Email me anytime at sabrina@smkmarketingco.com

Monday Nov 29, 2021
Monday Nov 29, 2021
For those of us who market our business on social media, we see the impact that social media influencers have on their audiences. They seem to be successful with whatever they touch! Its amazing.
I've been watching them and have learned a few things from them over the years. They do three VERY specific things that all of us should do, no matter if we want to be influencers or not. They use attraction marketing to their advantage and we can do the same, no matter what our businesses are! Let's learn a thing or two!
I'll see you inside....
Do you need some help in your business? Would a Virtual Assistant help you feel like you could breathe easier and take some of the day to day stresses off. I'm happy to help! Jump on a FREE call with me to discuss how I can help YOU in your business. www.sabrinamknapp.com
Are you looking to have a website built? Maybe you don't have time? You have SO many other things going on and the to-do list is piling up? Its okay! I can build it for you, so that you have a ready-to-go site, and a marketing plan set up! Don't stress and fuss about what you're going to do...let me take care of it for you, and then I will hand it back over! www.sabrinamknapp.com/websitedesign
Don't forget, you can be part of my amazing community of business owners, just like you. We are breaking down business, getting inside of our struggles and learning new techniques. Join us at www.facebook.com/groups/letsrediscoveryourbusiness
Let's be friends on Facebook! www.facebook.com/sabrina.r.knapp
So. Much. Information. about what's new on my website. www.sabrinamknapp.com
Pinterest Friends?? Let's do it! www.pinterest.com/smkcoaching
Instagram too...sure! www.instagram.com/sabrina.r.knapp
Yes, I am on LinkedIn. www.linkedin.com/in/sabrina-knapp
Email me anytime at sabrina@smkmarketingco.com

Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Its hard to focus our businesses on anything other than our product or service. We need to sell in order to make money, so why wouldn't we try to sell, sell, sell to everyone we see or meet.
People don't buy products from anyone, they buy from people they trust!!
My network marketing friends seem to struggle a bit more with this. They have to make money by selling a product or service for another company. That's how they make money. They spin their wheels figuring out their brand. They only market on social media because its all they know. Yet, they are some of the hardest workers at trying to make their business work. I coach them constantly on these 4 social media engagement techniques. Once they master these things, their visibility and therefore sales, start to increase. I hear, "thank you so much for pushing me to promote my brand and my gifts...rather than my products!"
This is a short episode today, we all have families and food to tend to. However, if you're like me....business never stops. Social media engagement is vital and cracking the code on the process is in this episode!
I'll see you inside...
Are you in need of some new techniques? Maybe you want to build a website, but don't know where to start or what to do? Maybe you've heard me talk about Pinterest marketing and the amazing effects its had on the growth of my business? Maybe you'd like some help figuring out who you help and how you help them and how you can market to them in a way that will attract them to you? I'm here to help! I've created perfect, simple, SUPER affordable walk-through videos for you to get ALL of this information in one spot. Purchase them individually for a very low price...OR, take advantage of HUGE discounts and purchase them all together and get the Ultimate Business Bundle RE-Start! I can't wait to walk you through this! www.sabrinamknapp.com/courses
Are you looking to have a website built? Maybe you don't have time? You have SO many other things going on and the to-do list is piling up? Its okay! I can build it for you, so that you have a ready-to-go site, and a marketing plan set up! Don't stress and fuss about what you're going to do...let me take care of it for you, and then I will hand it back over! www.sabrinamknapp.com/websitedesign
Don't forget, you can be part of my amazing community of business owners, just like you. We are breaking down business, getting inside of our struggles and learning new techniques. Join us at www.facebook.com/groups/letsrediscoveryourbusiness
Let's be friends on Facebook! www.facebook.com/sabrina.r.knapp
So. Much. Information. about what's new on my website. www.sabrinamknapp.com
Check out my blog and get the latest news at www.sabrinamknapp.com/blog
Pinterest Friends?? Let's do it! www.pinterest.com/smkcoaching
Instagram too...sure! www.instagram.com/sabrina.r.knapp
Yes, I am on LinkedIn. www.linkedin.com/in/sabrina-knapp
Email me anytime at www.mindyourbusinesssmk@gmail.com